For past classes: See below on this page.
See photos of past classes.
1. To show interest or ask questions contact me here.
2. Want to be added to my private email list for upcoming classes click here.
Bill Wise teaches art classes in Duluth MN both in person and on Zoom. Art classes include drawing and watercolor. On-line art classes can be taken from anywhere in Duluth, Minnesota, or in the world.
This JUST IN!!! Please email me if you have any questions!!
Class sizes will be limited to 12 students. (min of 8)
If class is full, please put your name on the wait list!!!
2025 Drawing Fundamentals – Landscape/Outdoor Sketching:
Mar 28, 29, 30, Fri, 5:30 – 8:30p, Sat and Sun 9a – 3:30p. (leave supplies in room)
This drawing course will review gestural and other techniques to get “accurate” drawings on the paper. We will draw images of outdoor subjects (buildings, landscapes, etc.) projected in the classroom. We will learn the classic technique of Sight-Size and review the basic rules of perspective as we progress to translating what you see outdoors onto the paper. This course is useful for people wanting to draw while traveling or exploring their own backyard. It is open to all skill levels.
Supply List: All paper and charcoal will be provided by instructor at no charge for the workshop. You are encouraged to bring your drawing supplies too! We will discuss different supplies which are readily available locally and inexpensive. Example: Large sized drawing paper or newsprint (11”x14” or larger preferred), charcoal, and graphite pencils, kneaded eraser, and “MOO brand eraser”.
$125 class fee,
To enroll, Contact : Spirit of the Lake Community Arts (SOLCA)
Sign up for Drawing – Note: SOLCA uses a place called Zeffy to collect the class fees.
2025 Watercolor Fundamentals:
May 2, 3, 4, Fri, Sat, and Sun 9a-3:30p (leave supplies in room)
Build your watercolor skills with confidence through instruction, demonstrations and hands on experience. Learning the fundamentals and properties of this medium will help remove the mystery and anxiety of Watercolor so you can achieve your desired results. This class is for the beginning watercolorist and those looking to review the basics.
$130 class fee, bring your supplies. Some supplies will be available to use and purchase.
Supply list:
To enroll, Contact : Spirit of the Lake Community Arts
Sign up for Watercolor –
For Sale: Portable watercolor palette filled with 10 pro watercolors. $35 plus shipping.
Includes Professional grade paint (Winsor Newton, Danial Smith, and M Gram! (Not student grade paints like Cotman or Academy). Click photo to see colors and brands.
These portable palettes of paint are for those interested in a set of 10 classic Pro quality brand colors for plein air or studio work. Colors include Warm & Cool Yellow, Red, and Blue. In addition 4 utility colors for landscape and portrait paintings. (Only palette and paint are included)
Portraits in Watercolor II: Coming Soon: For those who paint portraits and want more detailed instruction on painting and capturing the likeness of the subject. (Follow-on to Portraits in WC I) To show interest or ask questions contact me here.
Included will be a review of flesh colors and Bill’s initial steps to a base portrait. (read more on More Info & Tips Tab above. We will focus on the subtle shapes of the face and figure that you can’t see in a photo reference. How to capture an “interesting” photograph to paint. It will include some drawing with charcoal. This is not a drawing or a beginning watercolor class.
Class will be held on-line using Zoom. limited to 10 students. Classes will include lecture using prepared slides, demonstrations, then offer instruction and critique to each student using students phone or tablet cameras. Each person is encouraged to share their work during the class. This gives all students the ability to learn from each other. Bill will schedule an additional 1 hour open zoom meeting after week 4 and 5 for those who want critique on their painting.
Drawing the Figure; Learn to draw gesturally : Coming soon
If you would prefer a future workshop be given over a weekend, let me know.
See below for past classes I have held. To be notified or request an upcoming course, Please join my email list. Click here and complete the form for more information.
In addition to the courses I have been teaching (Beginning Drawing, Beginning Watercolor I & II, Portraits in Charcoal and Portraits in Watercolor), I plan to offer new courses listed below based on requests. If you are or have a group interested in taking any of my courses, contact me. We can work together to find a suitable time and location. Group courses require a minimum of 5 students. Each course would typically consist of one 2.5-3 hr session per week for 4-6 weeks.
My philosophy in teaching Drawing is “Good Starts Makes Good Art”. To draw what you see, the first 15 seconds are essential to get the overall placement of main elements by making light gestural marks. When the major elements are loosely laid out, the drawing can be refined and developed. This approach is the same when drawing a landscape, a portrait, or the figure.
When teaching a Beginner’s Watercolor class my first goal is not to create art during these lessons. I feel the lessons must start with the fundamentals. First controlling the brush and then controlling the water and paints on the paper. This is much like; You must learn the scales, keys, and Twinkle Twinkle, before you can play Mozart. In addition to actual demonstrations I project slides and images to assist in my lessons. In every class I make time to provide one-on-one instruction to each student to help them build skills and confidence.Learning the fundamentals are important to achieve the true beauty of watercolor and provide confidence to move on and attend other workshops and lessons. When students become comfortable controlling the medium they can create the art they are imagining!
Past Classes:
2024 Painting Portraits in Watercolor I, Aug 23, 24, 25
Fri evening 5:30-8:30pm, Sat and Sun 9a – 3:30p. at Spirit of the Lake Community Arts (SOLCA)
This Watercolor Portraits Workshop will focus on techniques of applying thin washes using various colors to attain believable luminous flesh colors, painting hair, fabric, and backgrounds. This is not a VERY beginner watercolor class nor is it a class on how to draw portraits. Students must have basic watercolor skills, and supplies. Some supplies will be available to purchase.
2024 Watercolor Fundamentals: May 28, June 4, 11, 18, 25, Tuesdays 9am-12pm
This 15hr. course will build your watercolor skills with confidence through instruction, demonstrations and hands on experience. Learning the fundamentals and properties of this medium will help remove the mystery and anxiety of Watercolor so you can achieve your desired results. This class is catered to the beginning watercolorist and those looking to review the basics. Spirit of the Lake Community Arts
2023 Drawing and Shading the Face: Sep-Oct. 5 weeks, 5:30 – 8:30 PM. This was a fundamentals class to learn to draw a human face using the front and ¾ views, and shading to create a 3D form. Through instruction, demonstration and hands on experience, students learn classic formulas and methods to draw faces.
2023 March Drawing Fundamentals – Landscape/Outdoor Sketching:
2023 May Drawing Fundamentals – Landscape/Outdoor Sketching:
4 Weeks, in March and again in May for Duluth Community Ed. please email me and tell me your interests in lessons via zoom.
This 12 hr drawing course will review gestural and other techniques to get accurate drawings on the paper. We will draw images of outdoor subjects (buildings, landscapes, etc.) projected in the classroom. We will learn the classic technique of Sight-Size and review the basic rules of perspective as we progress to translating what you see outdoors onto the paper. This course is useful for people wanting to draw while traveling or exploring their own backyard. It is open to all skill levels. Supply List: All paper and charcoal will be provided by instructor at no charge the first night. If you would like, you can use your own drawing supplies. We will discuss different supplies which are readily available locally and inexpensive. Example: Large sized drawing paper or newsprint (11”x14” or larger preferred), charcoal, and graphite pencils, kneaded eraser, and “MOO brand eraser”. If unsure, don’t buy anything until after the first night.
2022 Watercolor Fundamentals: 3ea 4 week classes, March, May, October 2022
1st: 5 Weeks in March, 2nd: 4 Weeks in May, and 3rd: 4 Weeks in Oct at Lincoln Park Middle School, Duluth Community Ed
This 15/12 hr. course will build your watercolor skills with confidence through instruction, demonstrations and hands on experience. Learning the fundamentals and properties of this medium will help remove the mystery and anxiety of Watercolor so you can achieve your desired results. This class is catered to the beginning watercolorist and those looking to review the basics.
2021 Drawing Fundamentals – Landscape/Outdoor Sketching:
In person, 5 Weeks, Sep 29, Oct 6, 13, 20, 27. Wednesdays, 5:30-8:30 at Lincoln Park
School, in Duluth.This 15 hr drawing course will review gestural and other techniques to get accurate drawings on the paper. We will draw images of outdoor subjects (buildings, landscapes, etc.) projected in the classroom. We will learn the classic technique of Sight-Size and review the basic rules of perspective as we progress to translating what you see outdoors onto the paper. This course is useful for people wanting to draw while traveling or exploring their own backyard. It is open to all skill levels.
Supply List: All paper and charcoal will be provided by instructor at no charge the first night. If you would like, you can use your own drawing supplies. We will discuss different supplies which are readily available and inexpensive. Example: Large sized drawing paper or newsprint (11”x14” or larger preferred), charcoal, and graphite pencils, kneaded eraser, and “MOO brand eraser”. If unsure, don’t buy anything until after the first night.
2021 Drawing and Shading the Face:
Create a 3D portraits in any medium April 28, May 5, 12, 19, 26, 2021, Online Class via zoom: 5 sessions – Wednesdays 10-1 pm
Do you feel your portraits lack some depth? Does the jaw, nose, the eye sockets, and lids look 3D or do they seem flat? Observing, drawing, and shading photos with a wide range of values will help give your portraits dimension. This could improve your portrait painting skills in all mediums.
Goal of Class: Upon completion of this class, you will have a better understanding of the subtleties of the face through in-depth observation, drawing, and shading.
This class is open to all skills levels.
2020 Portraits in Watercolor I :
Was presented online using Zoom meeting software.
This class is geared toward those who have some basic experience with watercolor and the desire to paint portraits from photo references. It is the first in a series of portrait of classes.
This workshop will be 3 hrs/week; 10: 1:00 CT; for 5 weeks. Thursdays Nov 12, 19, Dec 3, 10, 17.
Each class will cover basic fundamentals so you can get more comfort and confidence.
Click here for more detailed information
2020 Sep 30. Free 2 hr. Photographing Art Workshop:
Hosted online with Zoom by the Duluth Art Institute;
An inevitable part of a career as an artist at any scale is professionally documenting your artwork. Professional photographs are important for project and exhibition proposals, grant applications, and marketing. In this workshop, instructor Bill Wise will demonstrate tips and tricks for successful documentation of your artwork using the DAI photography studio located in the Lincoln Park Building. This workshop will cover how to prepare your artwork to be photographed, including best practices with the lighting and backdrops available in the photo studio and positioning the camera using a tripod. Wise will demonstrate with a variety of cameras, including the DAI’s Nikon DSLR, and some cell phones. He’ll discuss the camera settings, taking the photo, some basic photo editing and processing, and more. The course will take place from 5:30-7:30; however, the Zoom meeting will open 5:00pm in order to provide time for those who have never used Zoom before to become familiar with the platform.
2020 Watercolor Fundamentals:
(5 sessions), May-June Thursdays 10-1pm ONLINE via Zoom
Build your watercolor skills with confidence through instruction, demonstrations and hands on experience possible with your computer device. Learn the fundamentals and properties of watercolor to achieve desired results. This class was catered to the beginning watercolorist and those looking to review the basics.
2020 Beginning Drawing – Face & Figure:
5 sessions Wednesdays 1-4 pm Feb. 12, 19, 26, Mar. 4, 11 2020. Duluth Art Institute
In this course you will learn observation and detail skills to accurately lay out and draw faces and figures on paper. This course will cover classic formulas for drawing the human figure and face through the instruction of gestural techniques, using observation and detail to get accurate drawings on the paper. We will focus on getting the features where they belong and building the likeness of many images. This class was open to all skill levels.
2019 Landscape Drawing and Intro to Watercolor:
2019 Oct 24, 31, Nov 7, 14, 21. Thursdays, 10-1pm at the DAI Lincoln building. This 5 day course will first review gestural and other techniques to get accurate drawings on the paper. We will draw images of outdoor subjects (buildings, landscapes, etc.) projected in the classroom. We will learn the classic technique of Sight-Size and review the basic rules of perspective as we progress to translating what you see outdoors onto the paper. Equipment and supplies used in the drawing portion of the course include newsprint, charcoal, and graphite pencils. We will then use ink pens, water-soluble pencils and watercolor to add color to the sketches. This course is useful for people wanting to draw while traveling or exploring your own backyard. (En plein air) It is open to all skill levels.
2019 Beginning Drawing – Landscape/Outdoor Sketching:
Aug 1, 8, 15 2019, at the Duluth Art Institute. This 3 day course will focus first on learning to draw. We will draw outdoor subjects (buildings streets etc.). We will start with several gestural techniques to get accurate drawings on the paper. We will learn the classic technique of Sight-Size and review the basic rules of perspective as we progress to translating what you see outdoors onto the paper. Equipment and supplies used in the course include sketching tablets, newsprint, charcoal and graphite sticks and pencils, This course is useful for people wanting to draw while traveling or exploring your own backyard. (En plein air) It is open to all skill levels.
2019 Portraits in Watercolor:
2019 March 7, 14, 21, 28, Apr 4th. Thursdays, 10-1pm at the DAI Lincoln building in the West end. This is not a course on drawing portraits. (See class “Drawing portraits in charcoal”) This class is geared toward applying basic watercolor techniques to improve your skills in painting a portrait. Focus will be on techniques of applying thin washes using various colors to attain a believable luminous flesh color. I will do demos everyday. Other techniques may include using charcoal drawings to hone the concept of layers and tips/tricks for confidently getting a portrait on paper even if you do not consider yourself a portrait artist. (see my Page on Tips and Tricks on how to get a image on paper) This is not a VERY beginner watercolor class. If you have a love of portraits, painted with watercolor, know about basic washes, and have paints and brushes, you will do fine!
2017 Watercolor Fundamentals I:
Oct 18 – Nov 15 2017, (5 weeks), Duluth Art Institute, Duluth MN. Lincoln Building.
Build your watercolor skills with confidence through instruction, demonstrations and hands on experience. Learn the fundamentals and properties of this medium to achieve desired results.This class is catered to the beginning watercolorist and those looking to review the basics.Here is much more information and a supply list.
Drawing Portraits in Charcoal: Feb-Mar 2017

Duluth Art Inst, Lincoln Bld West Duluth MN. Feb 8, 15, 22 Mar 1, 8, 2017, 5 weeks, Wed 6 – 8:30 PM.
Start with learning to draw a generic human face, then progress to identifying differences which makes each face unique. Through instruction, demonstration and hands on experience, students learn classic formulas and methods to start drawings. Projected images and student’s own photo references are used as subject matter. Supplies will be provided the first night with information to aid in choosing supplies for the remainder of classes.
2016 Watercolor Fundamentals II:
Oct 5,12,19, 26, Nov 2, 2016 (5 weeks), Wed 6 – 8:30 PM. Duluth Art Institute, Duluth MN. Lincoln Building. Continue to build your watercolor skills with confidence through instruction, demonstrations and hands on experience. Instructor Bill Wise reviews the fundamentals and properties of this medium prior to delving into more advanced techniques. One on one and group instruction will assist students to overcome challenges they may be experiencing with watercolor.
2016 Beginning Drawing:
Sep 22, 29, Oct 6, 13, 20, (5 weeks), Thur 6 – 8:30 PM. Duluth Art Institute, Duluth MN. Depot Building. Same description as June 2016.
2016 Beginning Drawing:
2016 Jun 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 (5 weeks), Wed 6 – 8:30 PM. Pineapple Arts Center, Duluth MN.
Beginning Drawing: A Good Start Makes Good Art: (Mar-Apr 2016)
(6 weeks), Pineapple Arts, Duluth MN. The focus of this lesson will be to create an accurate foundation for which to finish a realistic drawing or painting.
2016 Watercolor Fundamentals I:
Feb 3 – Mar 9, (6 weeks), Duluth Art Institute, Duluth MN. Lincoln Building.
Build your watercolor skills with confidence through instruction, demonstrations and hands on experience. Instructor Bill Wise teaches the fundamentals and properties of this medium to help to get desired results.This class is catered to the beginning watercolorist and those looking to review the basics.
2015 Beginning Drawing: A Good Start Makes Good Art:
Aug 2015 (6 weeks), Pineapple Arts, Duluth MN. The focus of this lesson will be to create an accurate foundation for which to finish a realistic drawing or painting.
2015 Getting Back to Basics & Fundamentals of Drawing and Watercolor:
Apr 27-28 2015, 9-3p Two day workshop for Arrowhead Art Club, Carlton MN. First day focused on skills to “Draw what you see” Learning several techniques to quickly layout accurate drawings. Including perspective for landscape and predicting figures sizes in the drawings. Second day covering watercolor properties, washes, edge control, and flesh colors. Time available for painting with instructor assistance.